I left for church at 9:05am and was there until 11:45am. Father Farrell gave a great talk on the Eucharist.
Then I headed to my old apartment to clean and pack a few things. And vist the washer/dryer.
My parents came down around 1:00pm to pick up some furniture that we don't have room for in the "condo". Two stools, two club chairs, a bed, tv, and tv stand.
Mark showed up at 1:30pm to help my dad get things into the van. Why was he late? Buying Valentine's Day gifts perhaps?
Then we all drove (in seperate cars) to Penn Station for lunch at 2:30pm. I love Penn Station. It's a sub sandwhich place and they have the most mouth watering Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches! Unfortunately I ordered the Club and it wasn't as good.
Shortly after 3:00pm we went to the "condo" for some chocolate pie! Everyone loved it! I was very rich. I offerd a glass of milk to go with it but everyone passed. After my parents left at 3:30pm I realized that I forgot to top the pie with whipped cream!
A travesty indeed!
Now without further ado...the Chocolate Pie!
This picture is to prove that I make my own pie crusts from scratch. This one was in the freezer so I took it out for 20 minutes to thaw before rolling it out.
Great things are in your future young pie crust.
To make sure the crust doesn't puff up too much I lined the inside with foil and weighted it down with dried pinto beans. Then I popped it in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes. Check on it after 25 to see if it's golden brown.
Don't worry! You wont be alone much longer!
Next I mixed up the pie filling. I dont have pictures of this part but here is a description of what happened.
In a small microwave safe bowl melt 4 oz. of unsweetened baking chocolate. Let it cool.
In the meantime beat 1 cup of softened butter and 1.5 cups of granulated sugar in a large bowl until fluffy.
When the chocolate has cooled add it to the butter mixture. Add 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat until combined.
For the next 15-20 minutes your arms are gonna get wicked tired (unless your lucky and have a standing mixer, which I don't.)
You're going to add in 4 eggs, one at a time, beating 4-5 minutes for each egg.
Here is the filling after beating it silly for 16 minutes.
Hey there smooth, dark, and handsome..
Now spoon the filling into the pie shell and smooth out the top.
Oh my. Oh oh my.
Put this baby in the fridge for a couple hours (longer is ideal). Then slice it up and top it with some whipped cream. It is positively moan-worthy!
This pie is so naughty...be careful who you feed it to.
Sweet dreams!