Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Workout Day 2: Cardio

"It's time to get rid of the gristle and gunk!"

Oh Tony you have such a way with words.

I did the cardio routine yesterday.  I thought it was really great!  I paced myself this time and when I couldn't stay in tempo with everybody, I just went slower. 

There was just a few minutes left of the workout when Tony called out my least favorite exercise...

The Dreaded Superman Banana!  Dun-Dun-Duuuuun!

This torturous exercise has me lying on my stomach with my back arched, arms raised out in front of me, and my legs raised off the floor about 4 inches. 

That is the Superman part.

Then Tony yells, "Banana!", and I have to use my core muscles to flip over on to my back then raise my feet and arms up about 4 inches.

Sounds easy enough but when I'm in the Banana position I can't get my legs off the floor one millimeter!  It's like they suddenly weigh 2,000 pounds! 

Then Tony starts calling out the positions faster: "Superman, Banana, Superman, Banana, Superman".  Anyone who walks in and sees me at this point would think I'm either having convulsions or trying to put out an imaginary fire.  It's really quite humorous.

I am a bit sore today, but it's a good sore. 

The diet is going well too.  This has been the best week yet as far as tastiness goes.

Breakfast:  Protein Shake (chocolate flavored of course)
Morning Snack: Mozzarella Cheese Stick
Lunch: Chicken Salad over Baby Spinach and a cup of Vegetable Soup
Afternoon Snack: Protein Bar (the Zone bars are really good)
Dinner: Talapia with Pesto Sauce, Green Beans, and Wild Rice


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