Friday, April 23, 2010

Money or Sanity

Remember the old Economics question "Butter or Guns"? 
You don't?
It's ok.  I only got a 'C' in Economics and I'm a little fuzzy on it too. question lately has been "Money or Sanity".

You see many months ago (I'm talkin like last September) I decided that my last day of work would be April 30th.  No ifs ands or buts. 

Then in March I found out I got into the Radiography Program!  I started thinking about how much money school is going to cost and I'll need to look for a part time job and it will most likely pay less than I make now and how much longer can I make this sentence...
I decided to work up to May 28th so I could stash the extra cash for school.

Then in early April I decided that my last day would be May 25th, because that is the end of a pay period.  It's a very good excuse indeed. 

Then Tuesday I found out I might have to retake a class that would begin on May 18th so I decided my last day would be May 14th. 

Today I found out I don't have to retake the class!  So now my last day will be May 21st.

But that May 14th started to look mighty friendly to my fragile mind. 

Can my sanity really endure 4 more weeks of torture?  Butter or Guns?  Butter or Guns?

You know what?  Screw it!  I've been working in this $*!# hole for 5 1/2 years and I'm a miserable person because of it.  I'm gonna get happy in T minus....I can't do it...I can...21 days!

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You Want Me To Stick That Up Where?!

Yesterday I worked a half day.  The rest of the day was spent at the college for my Radiography Program Orientation Meeting.  Me and 19 of my new "best friends" sat in our classroom for 3 hours and got the low down on what to expect for the next 2 years of our lives.

It was meant to scare us.  And I admit I did leave the college with a headache.  And I was questioning if this is the right path for me.  Here are a few the things that scared me:

1 hour spent in the classroom means 3 hours of homework.  Average class time per day: 3 hours.
You do the math.

We are going to learn to start IV's.  I hate needles and almost fainted when I had to get one.(shudder)

I (may) have to take EMT 110 over again because I took it 3 years ago.  EMT 110 is a Medical First Responder class.  I hate retaking classes I've already aced!

The cost!!!  It's close to $9,000.00 for a resident and I'm a non-resident so I pay more!

Barium enemas.  That's right.  Google it.

I also need a physical and blood tests.  More money out of my pocket.

This is going to be hard work, but I have an amazing husband and family to support and encourage me.  I'll be doing a lot of praying too I'm sure, but the one thing I have to keep telling myself is why I want to be a Radiography Tech (RT).  If I can make the time I spend with a patient the best part of their experiance in the hospital then I've done a good job.  And that's what my goal is.

Wish me luck!